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The College Application Process is the first step of the Post-Secondary planning process. It is important that you know what the process is, how the process is done and when the process needs to be completed by to have the best chance admissions at colleges and universities. Every school is different, though, so please check the College/University website for specific application requirements and deadlines. You may always track and monitor progress of this process by using our VJA College Application Checklist which can be accessed by clicking here

Here is a list of potential college application components:


It's possible that there is more than one college/university that would be a great academic and financial fit. Therefore, it's important to keep an open mind throughout the process. Some items to consider during the college search include: academic programs, size, location, extra currriculars, and cost. As you are exploring colleges and narrowing down your list, if you have any questions it is highly recommended that you reach out to your College Representative directly. Click here to access our College Rep Contact Directory.

Recommended College Exploration tools:


College is a worthy but big investment. You likely would not buy a car or home without seeing it first and that same logic can be applied when choosing a college! It is highly recommended that you visit the college you plan to attend to ensure it is a comfortable fit. Schools typically host individual visits, large Open Houses, Admitted Student Days and other themed visits. 

Recommended Virtual Visit tools:

  • SchoolLinks has 100's of virtual reality college campus tours 
  • College/University Website - Virtual Tours, Online Info Sessions and One-on-One Meetings with Admissions Reps
  • Strive Scan - Recordings of past College Info Sessions
  • Campus Reel - Virtual Tours by students