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The Andrew English Department is dedicated to providing a diverse and challenging learning experience in the language arts. All English classes follow a sequential and developmental pattern of skills. Eight credits in English are required for graduation.  

2024-2025 English Student Purchase Novels

An important goal in our English curriculum is to teach all of our students how to actively read a variety of texts. In particular, underlining and note-taking directly in texts is one of the most effective ways to make meaning of challenging works. In order to accomplish this goal, we ask English students to purchase some of the novels they will use in their English classes. Listed below are the required novel purchases for Andrew English classes during the 24-25 school year. These books can be purchased in two ways:  prior to starting the novel in class, students may purchase their book through our Cashier's Office, or parents may purchase the novels on their own via any store that sells the book with the appropriate ISBN as stated on the document below.  All students are required to use the same edition of required novels, so if you plan to purchase the book(s) on your own, please use the information below to purchase the correct edition(s). Students should use books without previous markings or writing. Courses that are not listed have no required books to purchase.

2024-2025 VJA English Student Purchase Novels


2024-2025 Summer Assignments for Honors/AP English Students

In the English Honors/Advanced Placement program at VJA, we firmly believe that summer assignments allow students to engage with texts in a meaningful way at their own pace. Students have homework that requires both reading and writing, with the expectation that all required work will be submitted in accordance with the due dates established by that teacher. Having students come prepared in this way enables us to immediately forge our classroom communities through discussions of common works. Instead of experiencing a “summer slump,” our students will practice their essential English language skills, paving the way for success for the whole year. Please help us by supporting your students in their completion of this assignment. To view your student’s summer assignment, please click the link for the English Honors/Advanced Placement course in which they are enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have questions about an assignment, please email any of the teachers whose names are included in the assignment instructions. 

Freshman Honors English  24-25 Summer Assignment

Sophomore Honors English 24-25 Summer Assignment

Jr AP Language & Composition 24-25 Summer Assignment

Sr AP Literature & Composition 24-25 Summer Assignment