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Behind the Wheel

The Behind the Wheel Phase (BTW) is the ultimate driving experience that incorporates information from the classroom. It is in this phase that students must learn to continuously identify problem situations and successfully solve them in real world driving. Students are evaluated on a lesson by lesson basis based on how well they are able to perform the specific tasks of each lesson. They will only move on to the next lesson when the instructors feel that they have mastered the previous skills. It is at this point that the parents or “driving coach” are expected to enhance student learning by practicing skills as they are learned for homework. The instructors recommend that every student complete one (1) to two (2) hours of driving time each week outside of school. Safe Driving Procedures - One of the most important guides to have with you when practicing driving.


Driving Lesson Progression:

Lesson 1- Car Orientation/Basic Car Control

Lessons 2-4- Subdivision Driving

Lessons 5-6- Rural Roads

Lessons 7-8- Lane Changing

Lessons 9-10- Light City Driving

Lesson 11- Expressway

Lessons 12-16- City Driving

Each lesson aims to have students:

-Identify problems and successfully solve them in real world driving situations

-Experience a variety of traffic/roadway/driving conditions

NOTE: Lesson progression is based on ability level (students will not move on to next type of lessons if skill mastery is not achieved)


Attendance is very important during driver education. In order for you to meet the State of Illinois required hours, if you miss a day of driving you are to sign up for T-Bolt Time and schedule time to make up missed driving. Continuous Absences will result in you being dropped from the program.

What To Do If You Lose Your Permit

  1. Go to any DMV office and get a new one. It will cost $5 for a new copy of your permit. Make sure to bring copies of identification and proof of residency.

  2. Find a DMV near you by clicking HERE