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CTE in the News

Zero Sales to 6 Figures: Tinley Entrepreneur Says 'Never Give Up'

VJA graduate, Malik Kurdi, wanted to be his own boss.  Determined to bring a better life to his family, Kurdi launched Exemplary Marketing in 2015.

Tractor Supply and Carhartt Launch Exclusive T-shirt to Benefit the Future of Skilled Trades Jobs

A portion of proceeds from t-shirt fundraiser will go to SkillsUSA to build trade, technical and skilled service training programs.

Who Has Access to Financial Education in America Today?

In the 2020-2021 school year, nearly 7 out of 10 students across U.S. high schools had access to a standalone Personal Finance course.  2.4M (1 in 5 U.S. high school students) were guaranteed to take the course prior to graduation.

Typing as a Skill in the Workforce

In today’s workplace, employers are searching for qualified candidates to fill their jobs. They are looking for individuals with good communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills. Along with those soft skills, many employers are in search of potential employees with professional skills such as typing. Job seekers may find that they do not qualify for certain jobs because they are unable to meet the employer’s Words Per Minute (WPM) requirement. With practice and more focused work on typing, job seekers will have more success in their job search while learning a much-needed skill in today’s society.