Scholastic Bowl
Scholastic Bowl is a competitive event where students answer trivia questions across a range of categories. Questions come in both team collaborative and individual answer formats, where the fastest person to buzz in has the advantage. Practice is once a week after school, and 5-6 competitions that are spaced throughout the year.
Meeting Information: Mondays from 3:30 - 4:00 PM (practice) and the occasional Wednesday (competitions) In room 346
September: Every Monday 3PM
October:Every Monday 3PM, 16th Meet
November: Every Monday 3PM, 16th Meet at HF, 20th Meet home
December: Every Monday 3PM, Meet 4th at Lockport
January: Every Monday 3PM, Meet 22nd at Sandburg
February: Every Monday 3PM,Meet 5th at Stagg
March: Every Monday 3PM
April: None
May: None
Google Classroom Join Code: z4xzznn